Friday, September 4, 2009

Labor Day Weekend


Around, say, 1870, work sucked. Six or seven days a week, twelve hours a day, horrible conditions, etc., etc., etc. Bosses could fire for no reason; workers had no power at all, and bosses routinely abused the situation. Over about a hundred years, the unionization of America fixed those ills and for the most part, the workplace in America is much better for their efforts. We got Saturdays off, too.

But we also got the spare day, once a year, tacked onto the end of this weekend. Woot! Our first family holiday together, we've got Elise's brother John and his whole family, plus Elise's mom. We'll be throwin' down some ribs and chicken and steaks and burgers.

I hope everyone has a great Labor Day!

Kids update: All is well, nothing really to report. They're focusing much better these days, but still they're mostly scream machines.

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