Yesterday we visited the ruins from the Roman bath houses (1200 years old?). They are under the present-day Friedrichsbad. The foundation of the ruins are very well preserved. Fascinating the engineering they were able to accomplish.
I also visited the Caracalla Spa, which is more modern. It's pretty nice, but the restful, quiet, and slow-paced Friedrichsbad is really the way to go.
On the train today, we went through Interlaken, Switzerland. These lakes are a beautiful shade of blue-green. Up close, the water looks clear. As you ascend, streams become fast-moving rapids of doubt filled with dust slowly eroding the Alps. Here's my favorite water appearance of all: falls. Bursting forth randomly from the mountainsides. Gorgeous.
There is plenty of water here. Wish we could bring some of it back to Atlanta!
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