Thursday, October 2, 2008


They say she won by not losing.

Then they say if you actually go on substance, Biden clearly won.

IMHO, Sarah Palin lost. She is unfit for this office.



Meg said...

Have we finally found something that we both agree on?!?!?

Love you,

Anonymous said...

Palin is unqualified. PERIOD. Her attempts to "recover" from the outrageously ignorant statements she's made in interviews is comical. "oh I can tell you a week after receiving the question what news periodicals I read.. I couldn't tell you at the moment you asked me because I can't think for myself."... She went to "debate boot camp" to prepare -- yes, that's someone we want to lead our country. Now, she's more confident and even scarier. This is not a beauty contest - you can't (or shouldn't be able to) win with a wink, a smile, and a shout out! I can go to fat camp and lose 10 pounds - does that make me qualified to be a dietitian?

Anonymous said...

Bob Herbert does say it best...

"There is nothing secret about Senator McCain’s far-reaching proposals, but they haven’t gotten much attention because the chatter in this campaign has mostly been about nonsense — lipstick, celebrities and “Drill, baby, drill!”

This should get much more attention!

People are not focusing on the issues because they are blinded by the lipstick and winks... The McCain-Palin Health Care Plan alone should provoke outrage...

Keep the faith and vote!