Saturday, June 7, 2008

The last of Brugge

We'll be moving on to Amsterdam in the morning. It's been a nice couple days... we went to the brewery, to the chocolate museum, and besides that have just been availing ourselves of the fine chocolates and beers. We *DID* buy a few glasses, and are trying to figure out how to send them home safely. As Elise mentioned, my friend Erik would just die here with all the wonderful beers and beer culture.

The brewery tour was fun.. we walked into a room where they had a grain mill and a malt hopper, and I tapped it and said "mmm... malt." The tour guide turned to me and said "Aha! A brewer!" and my secret was out. Oh well, still made the tour a lot of fun. Much more informative than the Sam Adams tour in Boston. I even educated her that the "stirring stick" was actually referred to as a mash paddle.

The chocolate museum was cool too, because at the end the guy giving the demonstration told us which choco-shop in Brugge was the best. So, of course, we went there today! Woot!

Elise has another letter to Jilly coming. I better get off the computer before she cries.

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