The Santa Barbara bicycle mafia.
A running joke on the honeymoon was the relentless bicycle riders who would send pedestrians running for their lives. Now I am one of them. And very happy. I'm not mean, just unskilled. I felt like I need a caution sign on me. I was able to ride the bike to Dr. Diemer's house for the interview, and I did my part to preserve the wonderful clean air in the great state of Galiforneeah.
You know, this was a pretty good day to be a doctoral student. Transcribing interviews is not so bad...
...when this is the view from the balcony of the hotel.
More beauty captured today.
Things are pretty nice here, but I do miss my husband...
Now, off to a Mexican dinner. Tomorrow afternoon, off to Oregon.
Sweet! I would take my dissertation work on vacation with me. Spending time writing at the beach topped writing in Atlanta, hands down! Congrats on getting good data! Its just one step closer.
Wow, those are some magnificent skies. Easy livin'.
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