Then, in the morning we went to the Musee d'Orsay, to again fight the crowds to look at the works of Van Gogh, Gaugin, Monet, etc. I wish I had more of an art education to understand and appreciate a lot of these paintings. My reaction is essentially limited to "I like some things, I don't like others, and I can't articulate why." I did enjoy watching the students working on copies of the masterpieces.
After le Musee, we went to the Catacombes of Paris. This place was dead. I mean, people were dying to get in. Okay okay. It was pretty cool, being a cellar and all. Alright, I'll stop.
Before the catacombes, we ate, and for dessert had something akin to "Death By Chocolate." After the catacombes, we ate ribs. Look, we made our own catacombes!
Yes, I'm incorrigible. I admit it. I wouldn't have it any other way.
Elise suggested that I should open a rib shack right at the exit to the catacombes. Call it "Dem Bones." Nice idea but even the French would balk at that one.
Then, in the evening, we went to the Cathedral of Notre Dame to see Monteverdi's Vespers. I don't know if it's possible to find music that is more out of my comfort zone. It was either Gregorian chant, or Lauryn Hill (with the single warbly note that just goes all over the place like an un-manned fire hose.) Elise got some professional appreciation out of it, but I couldn't wait to escape. We went to a late night café and ate and drank immediately thereafter.
The internet access keeps getting slower here. I bet some guest's kid is playing WoW.
1 comment:
Steve, I can identify with the chants and Lauryn Hill. I feel that way about Sacred Harp, and yet EES just adores it. I'm trying hard to understand and appreciate it. By the way, "Dem Bones" is a great name and I think you should do that in the very near future here in Atlanta!!!! N:)
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